Wednesday found me working on a portion of a new work, under a temporary title of Plague. Final title still a week or so away. So where you ask? Schooners Wharf! And no, the image was reviewing comments about the current book “Fireman Down”
Its Tuesday so I must be at…

Starting off my morning sitting at our local Starbucks. A perfect place to chill out, enjoy a mocha frap, and spend an hour or so getting a few pages wrote on one of my works in progress. The atmosphere is very conducive to writing for me, as the background music isn’t obtrusive or overly distracting.
Start of the week, and where I write today!

Here we are at the start of another work week, and for some, all the drudgery that follows on a Monday. I am often asked where I choose to write. So let me show you one of the sites I venture to when I write. This here is my view of a table where I write on occasion. Beautiful overlook across Garrison Bight, Key West. Below this window swims several magnificent tarpons of around 4-6 ft in length. Across that stretch of water sits the fire station covering this area of the island. The beauty of using an Ipad and portable keyboard is it allows me the flexibility to type in many places others tend to avoid. I will be posting where write this week to let you have an idea of where I call my office.

Welcome to our page. This site is dedicated to promoting the writing works of author Stan Loveday. We kicked around the idea of a dedicated site just for the publications, and felt the time was right. We will update this site with outtakes and updates on current and pending works in progress.
Blog Post for Key West Writing
We will post updates on promotions and new releases as well as answering questions.